
NKA Match Form

NKA League Form

Please make sure teams bring their own Match Forms and that they are completed at the end of the match.

Remember, one half is for you to keep and the other needs to be handed in!

EKA Child Protection

EKA Child Protection

Clubs are required to submit signed EKA consent forms to the NKA Child Protection Officer for players under the age of 18 wishing to play in the local league.

Players without a form will not be allowed to play!

Coaching Code of Conduct

Coaching Code of Conduct

All those coaching must read and agree to the Coaching Code of Conduct by signing the final page and returning it to your cub.

Volunteer Conduct

Volunteer Code of Conduct

All those volunteering should complete the registration form and sign to agree with the Volunteer Code of Conduct then return it to your club.

Norfolk League Rules

NKA League Rules

NKA Constitution

NKA Constitution

Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2016

Some Thoughts on Refereeing

This handy document provides some tips for referees with regards to interpretation of the rules and positioning during a game.
> Download file